Saturday, January 7, 2012

Youth Gang Fights

Anti-social problems in the form of youth problems are alarmingly on the rise in Urban Cnetres in Bhutan. Amongst a host of negative trends, gang fight is the most prominent one as per the police records (Kuensel, 10th Jan. 20122). This social menace is happening so rapidly that apporpriate action is called for immediately to curb the problem.
There could be a number of reasons for our youths going haywire and wild. Social problems such as rural to urban migration, drop-out, unemplyment, poverty and so are hypothesis speculated by unconfimed sources. Therefore, the area in discussion needs indepth research studies for the benefit of the general public.
Gang fights seemed to have first originated in the US due to a couple of reasons, economic being the most prominent social problem which led to formation of gangs to fight against government and policitcal establishments.
However, in Bhutan, I feel that anti-social problems are happening due to social inequality leading to inequality in educational opportunities.